For every text included in the corpus we first provide information on the edition from the period covered by the corpus, or – in the case of those texts that were not printed in the 17th or 18th centuries, and are thus known only from manuscripts – information on the manuscript. Therefore, the data that can be found in the "Place" column pertains to the original edition or manuscript. The same is true for the "Date (no earlier than)" and "Date (no later than)" columns – they provide either the exact date or the timeframe for the text's original printing. In the additional information we also provide other data, such as the type, genre and topic of the texts. In the case of some of the incorporated texts, especially ones with no remaining copies from the 17th or 18th century , we used newer versions, starting with the 19th century. In such cases, aside from the bibliographic data pertaining to the original edition, we also provide information on the newer release. If there were several different editions from the epoque we used the first edition whenever possible.
Text ID | Author | Title | Place | Date (no earlier than) | Date (no later than) | Number of tokens | |
AbrasWszyscy | Claude Cyprien Louis Abrassevin | Wszyscy błądzą czyli sprawa z obydwóch stron niesłuszna [...] | Gdańsk | 1766 | 1766 | 23486 | |
AdrJeruz | Christiaan van Adrichem | Jeruzalem jakie było za czasów Chrystusa Pana [...] | Warszawa | 1671 | 1671 | 15960 | |
AffHon | Anonim | Afluencja wielkich honorów i spokrewnionych imion [...] | Łuck | 1740 | 1740 | 2708 | |
AgEw | Anonim | Agenda albo forma porządku usługi świętej w zbiorach ewangelickich [...] | Gdańsk | 1637 | 1637 | 14880 | |
AigCeg | Chrystian Piotr Aigner | Nowa cegielnia wynalazku Jmci Pana Aignera | Łowicz | 1788 | 1788 | 3906 | |
AilMed | Jean de Ailhaud | Medicina universalis to jest lekarstwo powszechne na wszelkie choroby [...] | Warszawa | 1778 | 1778 | 12632 | |
AkDziec | Anonim | Akademia dziecinna albo zbiór nauk różnych [...] | Wilno | 1761 | 1761 | 21372 | |
AktaLeszcz | Anonim | Akta do historii Stanisława Leszczyńskiego 1704-1707 | nieznane | 1704 | 1707 | 25441 | |
AktaPozn_I_1 | Anonim | Akta sejmikowe województw poznańskiego i kaliskiego, tom I (1572-1632) część 1 1572-1616 | nieznane | 1601 | 1616 | 134596 | |
AktaPoznZwierz_I_1701 | Anonim | Sejmik z limity w Środzie 13 września 1701 r., [w:] Akta sejmikowe województw poznańskiego i kaliskiego. Lata 1696-1732 | nieznane | 1701 | 1701 | 4471 | |
Text ID | Author | Title | Place | Date (no earlier than) | Date (no later than) | Number of tokens |