
The contents of the corpus in relation to the Electronic Dictionary of 17th- and 18th-century Polish

One of the main research goals behind the development of the corpus was to aid in the editing of the Electronic Dictionary of 17th- and 18th-century Polish. Work on the dictionary began years ago, with the creation of a highly comprehensive card index, which currently contains more than 93 000 entries. Until recently, dictionary entries were created and edited on the basis of these index cards. Now, the corpus can be used for this purpose. We plan to use corpus material to fill in missing entries and grammatical forms, add new definitions, citations, phrasemes etc. Some of these tasks will be partially or entirely automated.

Several examples of words present in the corpus, but not in any of the dictionary's databases, are: elektryczny ‘electrical (?)’, kardybenedyktaCnicus benedictus (a plant)’, kłapeć ‘a chunk of salt of a particular size’, kokietka ‘coquette’, kolokacja ‘proximity (?)’, ładuga ‘loading (of a boat)’, mahiz, maiz (indeclinable) ‘maize’, mamunia ‘diminutive form of mother’, mamusia ‘diminutive form of mother’, mocodawca ‘paymaster’, monarchiczny ‘connected with monarchy, royal’, morzypiwo ‘drunkard’, pakunek ‘packing’, podługmyślnie ‘according to plan’, terapeuta ‘monk (?)’, wielokąt ‘polygon’, żętyca ‘whey made from goat's or sheep's milk’. These words differ greatly both in their register and their semantic domain. Some are specialist terms (e.g. kardybenedykta, kłapeć, wielokąt), while others are colloquial (e.g. mamunia, mamusia).